There are many options on how you can watch and enjoy a movie. You can go the old fashion way where you visit a movie theatre and watch your favourite. In the digital age, you can also subscribe to several streaming services such as Hulu and Netflix to have a wide range to choose from. Both of these options have merits and demerits that you should look into when trying to make your choice.

Movie Theatre


  • It gives a greater experience. Dressing up to go to watch a movie at a theatre creates indelible memories.
  • Socialisation: While going to watch a movie, you are likely to meet new people and this provides an opportunity to network with them.
  • Good for health: Sometimes, all you need to feel good about yourself is to step out of your house and enjoy some sun as you go to watch a movie.


  • Requires more money and time to access.
  • Needs undivided attention or else you miss out.

Movie Subscription


  • Convenience and easily available from comfort of the home.
  • A wide variety of movies to choose from.
  • Regularly updated list of movies.


  • Can get boring especially when watching alone.
  • Not much movement and long sitting can cause obesity.